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Inside the space of a change agent

Aver is on a mission to make a difference, and their passion for their space inspired us to share their story. Walk with us as we talk with them about how the design reflects their culture and work.

September 15, 2016

Pepper flavors the fight against hunger

What happens when you invite architecture and engineering firms to join construction companies in an effort to help feed the more than 800,000 local residents who go to bed hungry every night?

September 14, 2016
Community involvement

How authentic is your commitment to safety?

We want the people who matter the most to us to be safe, but our homes are full of hazards. Safety Director Dave Murphy shares what it means to have a safety mindset and some resources you can use to keep your family safe.

September 13, 2016

Simplifying the construction process for a young tech company

Due to current and projected growth, Aver needed a construction partner who would keep them engaged and adjust as their business evolved. By bringing Pepper on board early, they made cost-effective decisions to meet their budget.

September 8, 2016
Projects, Workplace, Science + Technology

The passion of a craftsperson

Historic restorations are a mix of preservation and progress. That's why today's renovations involve both time-tested techniques and the latest technology. For the restoration of Barrington's White House, there was value in using both to solve project challenges.

September 6, 2016
About Pepper, Quality, Virtual construction & technology

How viable is your construction budget?

When evaluating the needs and options for your facility, one of the primary deciding factors is cost. Understanding the costs of construction and early contractor involvement will help ensure you have an accurate estimate.

August 30, 2016

Innovative ideas for improving construction quality

The construction industry is not known for innovation. In the process of sharing lessons learned through our quality program, we’ve also captured best practices and uncovered some truly innovative ideas. Learn how.

August 23, 2016

Can repetitive construction activities breed complacency?

Repetition allows for tighter project controls, but it also opens the door to safety complacency. Director of Safety Dan Ruane explains how THA best practices and owner involvement can improve jobsite safety performance.

August 11, 2016

The role of technology in construction – facilitating connections

What does it mean to be connected? VP of Technology Howie Piersma shares what he learned from chairing the AGC-IT Forum Conference that took place last week.

August 10, 2016
About Pepper, Virtual construction & technology

Preventing moisture issues in your building

Incorrect use of vapor retarders leads to an increase in moisture related problems within the wall and the health of the building and its occupants. Learn the science behind how vapor travels and how retarders should be installed.

August 2, 2016
Quality, Environmental, High performance & sustainability

Illuminating the impact of LED lighting

As costs of LED lighting come down, they offer many advantages. Director of High Performance and Sustainable Construction Susan Heinking discusses the characteristics and benefits in industrial and manufacturing facilities and where the technology is headed next.

July 21, 2016
High performance & sustainability, Industrial and manufacturing

Peeling back the layers of TPO roofing systems

As owners consider long-term costs along with first costs, TPO roofs are increasingly popular for their cost-effective, high performing benefits; however not all are equal. Sr. Quality Manager Ben Dykstra discusses the pros and cons, layer by layer.

July 14, 2016
Quality, Industrial and manufacturing